- Christmas rushed in the back door so fast I nearly missed it. Family are all home and I’m loving it. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and thank you all for visiting and sharing with me over 2017.
Take 3 wine glasses fill them with Christmas baubles turn them upside down and you have a lovely table centre.
Take 3 large glassesfill them with marbles and candles and You have candles for the Christmas table!
When Im hunting for some thing I love finding UFOs like this one ? I’ve not seen this fo r about 25years LOL All the threads were there plus a pit of needles! And a very fragile pattern. Notice the quilt it is hiding under I knew nothing about quilting back then!!!!!????
2days before I found this in the attic I had brought home a free standing tapesry wooden frame that was broken and I’d just finished repairing it! It now has my cross stitch on it and I will work on it in 2018 as one of my 12 challenges.
This amazing Hand embroidered table cloth came home in the wash this week, I’ve managed to remove all the stains except one and it’s not really noticeable any more, I can see this quilted I think it would be lovely as a single quilt top. Pressed and quilted it would be the perfect present for some one.
Close up, the embroidery is so perfect It took a while to work out the front from the back.
I bought these two sarongs the other day all I could see was quilts LOL. I thought they would be great to practice machine quilting on? They are rayon so may be a challenge for me?
Both would make Great Wall art.
Nancy sent me some Thimble-it pads this week in my Christmas card, oh I could hug her they are WONDERFUL I can work twice as fast if not f aster using them, it’s like working with out a thimble but no picking of the finger undneath my work when quilting . It felt so much part of me after several hrs quilting I forgot to take it off and woke up with it still stuck there on my index finger.
Update 1.30am Friday 22nd Dec Just finished my Christmas Tree in time to hang before Christmas Day.
I accidentally cut the right hand border just over a1/4 to short!!! It took me 2hrs to solve the problem, by share fluke I found a 1/2inch scrap the matched all most perfectly, joined it with a 16th inch seam, but Iunpicked may be 8 times and that corner square is all bias seams not an easy fix LOL.
At last my Tree is finished and I will be able to hang it as is this year before Christmas Day LOL. I’ve added a black floating edge around the centre before adding the border to make the border look more like a frame.
In the garden this morning.
Found him upside down in my wash basket this morning!
Had to make this barrier to keep my neighbours dog from peeing on the wee lawn and killing it. She’s very annoyed with me LOL
Hubby put the deck chair in the water for me to lye on when my back gets to sore?? Works really well.
Vanilla pods ready for picking and drying.
After 7 years it still flowers every day for me.
Rushing to link with Esther Aliu before it closes I forgot it was Wednesday yesterday!
Thank you all for dropping in. Merry Christmas All Glenda
OMG you can grow vanilla beans!! do you know how expensive they are here 🙂 I never even thought about the fact that some people can grow them! I love your cross stitch and so nice that you found it and it was still in good shape.
What a large ugly bug that is in your wash basket
LOL. It’s a rhinoceroses bottle and it looks like it’s made of enamel they grow to about 2inchs look scary but are very interesting creatures makes. A hissing noise to scare you but is harmless. I pick them up no problem and relocate them when I find them. Yes our climate is perfect for growing them but they take a lot to get them to grow as you have to hand pollinate each flower when it opens in the morning, they only flower for a day. In South America where they come from there’s a bettle that pollinates them but out side of there they have to be all hand pollinated hence the cost? Thanks for dropping in Karen Hope you have a happy Christmas. Hugs Glenda
I was going to comment on the vanilla beans too. Lucky you. The embroidered tablecloth is lovely. You should give it a go to quilt it. Have a wonderful holiday. It’s snowing here today, so we may have a white Christmas.
I buy Vanilla essence and add fresh beans to that too for most of my cooking Kyle, but it’s lovely to have the fresh beans, we don’t get that many but enough to last me each year. That table cloth is so well done I had trouble deciding which was the front as the back is finished so perfectly NO knots an6 where. Looking forward to sandwhich8ng it and then trying to quilt it by machine, will do s9me thing simple so as not to take away from the lovely plain embroidery. May be some straight double rows using a ruler? Merry merry Christmas Kyle and hope 2018 is full of sewing ? thanks for visiting so often. See you next week or in the New Year. Cheers Glenda