WOW (Work On Wednesday) with Esther Aliu 25th April 2012

First it is ANZAC day,  a very special day for NZ and OZZIES.  It reminds us of war world I and hopefully we never see another like it. My grandfather was one of the first army soldiers from NZ to set foot on the beach!!!! He was shot a few days later but survived to be ship back to England then home as he was unfit to return to his unit so you can guess how bad his injuries where.  How ever he did marry have 8 children and live to his 80’s but he was always in pain and drank endless strong strong cups of tea to ease his headaches.   DH and I usually go to the dawn parade down on the waterfront but this year we stayed home to keep a watch on our faithful companion of 13 years or 94 in human numbers?????  He had a trip to the vets Sunday night and we just brought him home last night plus lots of drugs. He sure looks a lot better but age has crept in to his bones. So we choose to keep him company today.

Rocket (Wolfhound X Boxer )

Our Shitsu who has been his constant companion for the last 6 years went on hunger strike the whole time he was away, today she is back to her bossy self?????

Barron Falls in flood

To day I’m trying to find photos?????  DH was going to buy me a new hard-drive with masses of room for my 1000’s of photo’s and did the right thing and copied my folders on to a disk ready for installing, well some where a long the line the folders were copied but they are all empty????????????????  For the last two weeks he has been trying different software to recover them, but my computer only works till it is about 7% download and then locks up???????   So I have added a photo of what our local falls look like in the wet which is now, this is a old photo which has been recovered.  I can not download photos at present as my computer is not recognising my camera since the new drive was installed?????

The unusual

Camera is talking again after putting in a new card????? Just been walking around the yard taking snaps to see if this one works and it does. The above is a very unusual plant I have in my garden, I have not seen another any where around where we live.

Dripping with passion-fruit

Just as well we like passion-fruit as it has been a wonderful  year for them and I have even been able to freeze masses for the winter.

Lisa Ho dress fabric all beads are sewn on by hand!!!!

I brought home a beautiful Lisa Ho dress home from the opp shop yesterday as it had a few  small stains on it. I’m going to try and get the stain out, if not I will use the rest of the fabric for something else??????

1930's scrap blocks

Things you find when you are looking for some thing else.  I’m hunting for my circle blocks, they are still alluding me but I just came across these lovely wee 4inch blocks???? I will make them up some thing like the next photo which is of a quilt my DH saw in Kentucky USA 5 years ago.

Scrappy 1930's quilt seen in Kentucky 5 years ago.

I like the way this quilter used the green to join the blocks then the blue to join these 4 blocks.

Embroidered blocks and joined with crochet. May be early 1900's

Just came across this!!!!  not what I’m looking for ????? A beautiful hand worked bed-cover was given to my mum around 1960 by her best friend as she thought mum may have been able to fix it?????  But she could not buy the linen heavy enough to replace the blocks damaged.

Close up of one of the blocks

Several years ago I decide to unpick the crochet around the blocks and use it on a heirloom quilt I was making; then stopped as I felt I was doing the wrong thing!!!!!  After thinking about it I’m going to instead turn it in to a quilt as is by patching the holes with fabric then backing the blocks then just quilt the blocks, this will give the damaged blocks strength and it will still be beautiful and usable!!!!!

Time to think about dinner. I should of put some thing on early this morning like Esther did?????

If you want to see some interesting links check out Esther’s blog at 

Thank you for dropping in.


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2 Responses to WOW (Work On Wednesday) with Esther Aliu 25th April 2012

  1. Bunny says:

    Good mor ing Glenda, great photo of the falls and all your finds at your little shop. Poor puppy hope he is back to his old self, sad when our pets are not up to par.

    Our weather here has been cold and our lilacs are our hope they survive. Have a great day.
    Hugs Bunny

  2. Heidi says:

    I love Rocket, he looks like he’s a real sweetheart of a dog, no wonder the Shitsu went on hunger strike, he’s her main man, and I’m sure she senses that something is wrong with him. Best of luck to you and DH in seeing him through is problems. Love the pictures of the things you found you were NOT looking for, isn’t this always the case???? At times it’s actually a good thing and a blessing in disguise, and at times will change the course we had charted out from. Getting ready for a day of work, well am at work but not working for another 30 minutes. Take care Glenda, Heidi

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