WOW or WIP’s with Esther 18th July 2018

Thank you Esther

Thank you Esther for such a beautiful Gift.

This morning I’m buried in the clouds.  First time for a few years?

I’m buried in the clouds

I’m buried in the clouds

Tourist trai

After 10am and the Tourist train just went past not a very nice day for them to visit our village.

But it s not cold so it’s a bonus LOL.  Plus my gardening I did yesterday will be benefiting from it and washing off all the dust and dirt from the plants.  We need to do a big weeding and pruning now before the next wet. I have piles of weeds every where waiting to be dragged to the rubbish pile.

Im back home now and missing the lovely big veranda to sit out on in the sun, and my new Kookaburra friend I made. I have not had time to sew the last 4 days I’ve been traverlling up and down the range,  working in both homes, so this week nothing to show you.


All 9 panels are rolled up waiting for me to spread them out on my work table and sew them together today.


A Bluebird I’m making for my QG. I need to embroider his eye! I’m putting two of them in my border.


This week I’ve been Working on the last two borders and finally finished them now have just to add the green to them and attach them to my quilt and it’s finished!  Hopefully this week now I’m back home a lot of time is spent in the garden this time of the year.

Queens Garden

My Queens Garden nearly finished I can show you now that Esther has shown it to you all.  I have love love loved making this quilt.  Thank you Esther.

A lovely gift I was given yesterday.

A lovely gift I was given yesterday.


I recently bought this jumper from our Op Shop I help in, I bought it as it was like a patchwork jumper, washed it and soaked it in softener and it has come up soooo soft and cuddly it has been hand knitted.  It’s perfect for our chilly mornings as it’s all most long enough for a dress LOL.

Can not share the garden today, I’m closed in with cloud still midday and the sun is fighting to come through but those clouds are not moving.  So that’s it for this week. Thanks for dropping in. Happy sewing where ever you are.

Update 4.30pm Wednesday in OZ time. Finally the clouds lifted after 1pm and it’s stopped raining for a short while I went out to take photos and found the bush turkey had all most destroyed 4 of my pot plants including my ginger and mint???



This wAs a good size Boganville plant??? These Ive pushed back in to the soil and hopefully they might grow.


ENough to make you very sad and frustrated. 


this was thick with old English mint ready for picking???


Drive way overgrown with a native fern that’s like a weed and after it flowers dies and leaves a awful black area, has to be pulled all the time once it’s in the garden it’s like a nasty weed.


leaves a dead looking spot like this with nasty spikes.


just cleaned this part of the drive way of those ferns. I can see my Buddha now back view.


front view.


all the Broms I planted out on the road frontage are growing well and are happy, we have had a very wet dry season LOL So the plants are growing like weeds.


im happy with what Hubby has achieved with removing the over grown palms and let the light in to our frontage again.

Some lovely colur in

Some lovely colour in the front garden


A Real beauty. It’s a good 7inchs across.

Thanks for visiting its lovely when you drop in.

Cheers Glenda who is off to link with Est her on her WOW or WIP’s.

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6 Responses to WOW or WIP’s with Esther 18th July 2018

  1. Fred says:

    Congratulations on your beautiful Queens Garden finish! I love the color combo, and pretty details. I love it!

    • glenda says:

      Thanks for dropping in Fred, Its wonderful to have it nearly finished, now to sandwich and quilt it!!!!!then to find the right person to give it too. I’m getting some of my UFO quilt tops to be finally finished in to tops but now I’m getting a pile of UFO’s to quilt LOL Cheers Glenda

  2. Gretchen says:

    Queens Garden is so lovely!!! You’ve done an excellent job. I look forward to seeing how the quilting really brings it to life. Happy stitching!

  3. Karen says:

    a beautiful quilt for sure! I saw it featured on Esther’s blog – I bet you do miss that lovely veranda that you had showed it looked like a wonderful place to spend the day sewing or reading and just enjoying life. It looks like it would be very hard to keep up with your property – it’s a jungle out there!

  4. Lennea says:

    What a lush garden! So different from my own and so very beautiful.

    Your QG start inspired me from its beginnings and I often visit the EA page to just gaze at it. Very much looking forward to seeing it quilted.

  5. Chris in Canada says:

    I have one of those red flowers in a pot in my living room. the flowers just came out again after about 6 months and are a whopping 2 inches across. Maybe I should shower it more often.

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