WOW or WIP’s 23rd Oct. Rebuilding stack and slash fans

Hello every one making my blog so I don’t forget what I have been doing?   I miss linking each Wednesday with Esther’s WOW or WIP’s but we just need to send her DD lots of prayers that she gets well and we see our Dear Esther back home soon.

I will share this blog as I’m writing it as I’m so late doing it?

Last week I unpicked all those seams on the 3 stack and slash fans and started to rebuild a new quilt centre???

This is where I was up to till I decided I was not happy with where it was not going toLOL

This is where I was up to till I decided I was not happy with where it was not going toLOL













Have to share this HH with you from Dianne. She does such beautiful needle skills and to see them with my own eyes is incrediable.  The stitches are so fine even with my glasses on I could not see them clearly, I looked under my magnifying glass and still they were so fine to count, ended up with 12 plus stitches to the inch!!!!!!  Thank you Dianne for such a treasure can see why your applique looks so realistic.

This is what I call mini mini stitches I can not see them?

This is what I call mini mini stitches I can not see them? Even from the back it was hard to count those tiny stitches?

To day I have been building my pieces for my big blooms in the final border of HOTYH showing the below for any one new  to doing iron on fussing when making thes blooms

Building my HOTYT blooms on a tephlon sheet

Building my HOTYT blooms on a tephlon sheet, first I made the double fabric petals see at the left .

Slowly it grows

Slowly it grows, those double petals look so beautiful when the bloom is completed.

Don’t rush this part of ironing your pieces to make your bloom

Don’t rush this part of ironing your pieces to make your bloom


watch closely at all joins before ironing? See just left of the centre blue petal there is a touch I did not cover! I will cover this with my machine applique, but it does make a weak spot so will add a tiny piece of fabric behind that spot.


TTwo blooms down Yayyyyyy I’m so happy.


now to play with them before starting two more !


This  is my dinning table Imusing as I’m not able to go down and work in my studio space yet? I just have every thing in dishes or boxes so I can clear the table quickly??!


so this is where they belong,  notice my leaves I like to use lots of colour learnt that from Nancy  (Paris), loved how her quilts glowed

Up till yesterday all I have been doing since my knee replacement 9 weeks ago is quilting, and doing sashiko quilting on 3 different quilts and some fine quilting on another.  It was some thing I could see???  I found up until recently I was having trouble focussing, now I’m not on so many pain killers m y sight is improving and I can sit longer, so all been well I will be doing more applique soon?


Sashiko quilting this quilt.


I’m liking the feel of the quilt after I’ve quilted it, I thought it might be stiff but it’s lovely and soft.  



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4 Responses to WOW or WIP’s 23rd Oct. Rebuilding stack and slash fans

  1. Maggie says:

    Dear Glenda

    Morphine will affect the eyes for two weeks after one stop taking this pain meds, which is something everyone should know. Your colour choices always make me smile, as they are bright and happy. Getting one’s quilts quilted is the goal, so you got some done while you recover from your knee op. That is the cheery on top! Thank you for sharing and inspiring us all!

  2. Karen says:

    hope you will be feeling well soon and off of all that medication so you can see better – I didn’t know Esther wasn’t doing the link up – I had not been reading blogs while we were traveling but I am home now and back to reading them.

  3. EILEEN KEANE says:

    Hi Glenda, love the colors you’re using for your border blooms! They are going to shine for sure. I’ve decided I’m going to do my leaves like Esther did-one color with a seam sewn down the center.
    My knee replacement is scheduled for 2nd December. Not really looking forward to it, but it’s necessary. I’m hoping to prep lots of pieces for hand stitching after surgery, since I won’t be using the machine.

  4. HOTYT is going to be lovely, you have such a good eye for colors. Love the quilting you’re doing on the fans. Glad your eyesight is clearing up. I’ve heard already that medication can affect vision. Happy Stitching!

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