Does every one else feel like some one is stealing time from you????? Tomorrow is August and it just feels like it was March and a brand new year just under way!!!!!
Yesterday I ended up doing several things that were not on my list of things I’d planned. Many many years ago while living in Tonga Islands one day while visiting the markets which were basically for vegetables and fruit and I might add they are the best in the world, every one is so friendly it is like one big happy family. Also there would be stalls with items from America that had been sent to the undeveloped country by the contain full!!!!!! Who ever was in charge of what went there had no idea where or what kind of climate Tonga was. It is a tiny island in the middle of the South Pacific where it never goes below around 25C or above around 28C it is paradise lost. One day I saw a pair of polar bear knee high boots for sale!!!! Many beautiful Hugh silver trays that had been won at golf tournemaents in the 60’s!!!! I brought a pair of ice-skating boots there which I wore when I went to Canada one winter!!!!! Any way one day I was rummaging in this Hugh box of blankets (some thing you never used in Tonga) and at the bottom I saw this beautiful fabric in oranges when the sun caught it it glowed, I pulled and pulled it out and it turned in to a HUGH throw

Silk Persian throw larger than a king size bed cover. I have added silk along the bottom as it hangs but that is really the top????? Click on photo to enlarge and see the detail.
, big enough to cover a King-size bed, it weighed a ton but looked so light. I had no use for it what so ever but I just could not put it down so bought it for a round $5.00 Hubby fell in love with it when he saw it and we ended up hanging it on the wall were ever we went. It must come from some where around Persia, it is needle punched silk on cotton I think. Well over the last 30 years the fringe has completely fallen in to shreds, it was quite worn when I found it, yesterday when looking for some thing in the loft I found it again, brought it down and decided to remove the old fringe and bind it with a silk Obi. What a Hugh job I have taken on, just removing the old tatted fringe was a task on it’s own, I now have 1/4 of the binding on with luck to day I may get a little more done on it. I will hang it on the Tatami room wall when finished as it is to beautiful to be stored away in a attic!!!!