Wettest June on record. 1st July 2015


Nothing to show sewing wise it has been a week of doing a little of this and that.  I finally received my wash away freezer paper so now I can do some more on my 1930’s grandmothers flower garden quilt edge and make up more of my LE pieces.  I have been doing herringbone around some crazy patchwork but it is slow and there is nothing really to show.  Any day that the rain has stopped  I have spent out side trying to clean up as it is so smelly from all the rain we have had, it was the wettest June on record since  records were started been recored in 1942; 1987 was the wettest till this year. There is a cyclone now forming off the coral sea this is a first ever since records have been kept, cyclone season finishes end of March officially?????

SO it is just photo’s of a rather grey overcast morning at the beach.

For the first time I noticed that this tree was growing out of this large rock!!! where the

For the first time I noticed that this tree was growing out of this large rock!!! There is no soil here ?  where there is a will there is a way????  I noticed how lovely the roots were then realised it was growing out of the rock!

Taken form the top of the cliffs behind the beach we stroll along.

Lots of children on the beach early this morning it is school holidays here for two weeks.

It is school holidays here at present s

It iMy girlfriend and her mum,  we have just had out wettest June on record to day the sun came out and the rain has stopped but it is still very overcast but so lovely to be able to walk along the beach again


Kiyo  and I all rugged up, in the back ground on the beach is a tourist from down south where it is snowing she is in her swim wear and has been swimming. For us 22C is cold LOL.

I went up to the cliffs after my friend went home after we had been walking, there is a large flat rock up there were I like to sit and look out to sea I never see any one up there and it is so peaceful.

I went up to the cliffs after my friend went home after we had been walking, there is a large flat rock up there were I like to sit and look out to sea I never see any one up there early in the morning and it is so peaceful.

Looking down on tot he beach we were walking along at 8am this morning

Looking down on to the beach we were walking along at 8am this morning


Looking out to sea from the cliffs above the beach

Looking out to sea from the cliffs above the beach

Stunk toadstool.

Stink toadstool.  It might look good but boy does it smell you can smell it from 100 metres away.  The rain has damaged it and the skirt has collapse but the flies don’t care and just before I took this photo the head was covered in blowflies?????  It is now in the rubbish bin inside 3 plastic bags to try and stop the smell!!!!!

I hope you all had  a much more productive week sewing wise than I have.

Off to link with Esther now on her WOW or WIP’s.


Thanks for dropping in Cheers Glenda

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10 Responses to Wettest June on record. 1st July 2015

  1. Karen says:

    I imagine it can feel cool at 71 -I did the conversion:) – when it is normally very hot and humid – it is that humidity isn’t it that makes one feel cool and damp all the time I bet. We had more rain than normal in May and it is was one of our wettest from record keeping time – in the top 5 I think. I tried the wash out applique papers recommended by Esther too – I used it is some places of applique in Love Entwined but not all. I found them a little hard to work with – I used mainly for the zigzags and then some of the flowers here and there. I wonder how it will be when washed.

    • glenda says:

      Morning Karen. it is interesting to read that many different countries are having record rain weather recordings broken not just us. we settled here after roaming the south Pacific because of the long dry winters!!!!!!
      I have used the wash away in most of my LE and I hope it is never washed as it is made up of nearly all silks of different weights and so would shrink in different degrees if washed and then it would only be fit for the rubbish LOL. I have been using it since quilter Beth Ferrier USA put it out on the appliqué market and it’s my best friend LOL. I have been following Beth since she first started blogging several years ago. Hugs Glenda

  2. Maggie says:

    Dear Glenda

    We have the same problem. Record rainfall for June. I love the photo’s of the beach. No matter what age we reach, it has a calming effect onus just to be close to the beach, hearing the waves and smelling the salt in the air. Today is Canada Day, the weather looked like rain again. We decided to work in the garden, moving lots of soil. We now have a rectangle in our back garden, partly paved. We have very sore muscles too prove what we did today.
    Your friend and her mom looked like they had fun.
    Best wishes.

    • glenda says:

      Hi Maggie Had to laugh over the sore muscles I did water blastering for 4 hours on Monday and wished I hadn’t that night I could hardly move my lower back and went to bed very early instead LOL. We usually have to blast the pavers after each wet around the end of Feb but we have had to do them 3 times this year as it has not stopped raining. Yes I agree with you the sea has magical healing powers I always feel 100% after been beside it for a couple of hours. But I also love living up here in the mountains were I can look out over the forest. I have the best of both worlds. Take-care Glenda

  3. Chris says:

    Here in Canada we are having a very wet June also but this is the beginning of summer where 22C is perfect and warm summer weather.

    • glenda says:

      Hi Chris I laughed when I read over 22C was a lovely summers day, I’m sitting here with one layer of cotton and two layers of wool on and it is 18C Cold for me LOL. Hope it warms up for you soon. Hugs Glenda

  4. Gretchen says:

    We’ve had a rainy June too. The counties south of ours had more rain and they had a lot of flooding. My sister and husband farm and they have had some of their crops flooded out. We are too far north to replant, farming is a gamble. But yesterday the sun started to shine again and they are forecasting no rain for 5 days. So now we will make hay while the sun shines.

    • glenda says:

      Hi Gretchen so sorry to read about your brothers farm loosing crops due to flooding. I grew up on a farm in NZ and my dad had a lot of rehab guys and their families from after WAR11 come to work on our farm for two or 4 years for over 16 years (is job was to tach them every thing about farming in that time????? Planned by a city government official of course) then they could go in to a ballot for a farm. To this day I can still hear my dad saying to them you have to budget for one good year in every 7 years in farming in NZ as you get 1 in 7 good years over a life time?????? So he taught them to plant crops even when the bins were full to carry them over those other very lean years. I think life in general is the same, it nots always full of highs LOL. It stopped raining Wednesday night down here and I was able to walk the beach yesterday and this morning and it was wonderful. Cheers from Glenda with sunshine LOL

  5. Esther Aliu says:

    Hi Glenda, I think its so nice that you keep making time to head out to the beach, I think some sea air works wonders. It hasn’t rained enough in Melbourne, although it has been very cold. I’ve been working away in my studio, I need a nature break! So glad to see you’ve left the creepy crawlies alone..

    • glenda says:

      Morning Esther, I DO love the sea, it is the one place I can just sit and do nothing other than look. But to live I like been up in the hills. It has finally stopped raining every day, since July came in we have only had rain twice so I hope we are in for a cold dry snap now. All my Cameras are playing up at present so no Creepy crawlies LOL. Hugs Glenda

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