Margaret on FB motivated me to pull my LE this morning so Eshter’s BOM group on FB is really working LOL. Thanks Margaret for the motivation, below is what happened this morning.
My Beautiful LE has come to a stand still again as I’m not happy with my Oak leaves so once again it was put away till just now.
Taken this morning. OK this is what I have been thinking of for nearly two years but I have just not been happy with the light spacer around the centre.
I went in to my sewing room to get the fabric for the 2nd border and saw this pink silk kimono lying right in front of me, so I have unpicked the Kimono and cut 3 1/2 ” strips now we are talking>
Now what if???????? I use this pink also in a border may be I will have enough fabric to complete the quilt!!!!!
If I choose to use the pink for this border I do have a problem I have made my ovals in pinks as I was going to use green for this border. !!!! Will the softer pink ovals be OK??????
Well those my thought s on my lE today I’m worn out LOL. It is months since I have felt so motivated with my quilting. Cheers ALL Glenda
I love the pink inner border. It looks fabulous. (I’m not so enamored of the outer pink border.) I think your LE looks beautiful. So much work!
I just saw a couple hours ago on Esther’s blog that she had moved her group to facebook so I joined back up as well. I had so much trouble with yahoo that I had dropped off the group over a year ago. Maybe with this group I can get motivated again? I hope so – it will be nice to see you and the others on the facebook group – I joined!
This is such a beautiful project; I’m glad you are feeling motivated to move on with it.
The pink did brighten up LE better than the white did. Which green were you thinking of using? Let us see that and decide between green and the pink. It is too bad if you need to make more ovals, but better to have LE be what you really want than to look at it and wish you had made it differently.
Hope you get rested up from Esther’s move to Facebook and your moderating. Things must be settling down now. Blessings, Gretchen